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Sheet Mapper Advanced: A better way to use Google Sheets as a data source for your map
July 9, 2020
Featured speakers

Megan Danielson
Education Coordinator, Mapbox

Chris Toomey
Solutions Architect
Featured host
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With Sheet Mapper, we showed you how to publish a live-updating, custom web map from a simple list of locations on a Google Sheet. While that solution is great for plotting a small number of points on a map, it does have limitations – and that’s why we’d like to show our community how to use a similar workflow that’s more reliable, scalable, and secure. Introducing Sheet Mapper Advanced a better solution for visualizing large and dynamic data sets like the global coronavirus epidemic or mass demonstrations across cities all over the world.
You'll learn to...
- Add your data to a Google Sheet and publish it to a CSV file.
- Use a Lamda function on AWS to retrieve data from a Google Sheet.
- Use a d3.js library to load the cached CSV data to your map.
Code-along resources:
- Sign up for AWS and Mapbox accounts before you begin.
- Code along with this Sheet Mapper Advanced tutorial.