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Introducing “Finder”: a low-code template for a mobile-friendly and filterable map of location listings
July 23, 2020
Featured speakers

Megan Danielson
Education Coordinator, Mapbox

John Branigan
Solutions Architect

Marena Brinkhurst
Community Team, Mapbox
Featured host
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About this episode
We’ve made it easier to answer the classic question, “Where is the one nearest me?” If you have a list of locations, make it easier for people to find what they need with a map!
The ‘Finder’ Impact Tool is a template based on our Store Locator tutorial with the addition of filter options and mobile-friendly design. Use it to create a simple resource finder application using a spreadsheet of locations. Customize the code to match it to your data fields and make it your own.
It’s built with Assembly.css so it’s mobile-friendly by default, with a sidebar instead of pop-ups, and responsive elements that adjust to your screen size.
You’ll learn to...
- Add a Mapbox token and data source to your config.js file
- Customize data filters in your config.js file
- Select a Mapbox style and insert your access token