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Conceptual cartography: Best practices for map design
September 3, 2020
Featured speakers

Madison Draper
Map Designer, TAM

Vanessa Knoppke-Wetzel
Senior Map Designer

Jonni Walker
Senior Data Artist

Todd Gladfelter
Technical Account Manager
Featured host
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This session is for Mapbox users interested in cartography and intentional map design. At Mapbox, we design a wide variety of maps for a range of customers in various industries with different use cases. Each map designer will explain the nuances of a map and how to create one yourself in Studio.
We’ll be explaining everything from overarching design principles to the gritty how to in Studio. New and experienced cartographers are welcome to join us for this fun deep dive!
You’ll learn:
- How to think about cartography conceptually
- How maps can be designed for specific use cases and industries
- Some top tips and tricks from our map designers
- Madison's blog post: Outdoor map design and styling with Strava: Terrain + minimalism make GPS activity stand out
- Vanessa's Burtonesque (Nightmare Before Christmas-inspired) map style and font (only available free for personal use)
- Pattern Maker app
- Follow these cartographers on Twitter: @run_for_funner | @mzdraper | @jonni_walker
- Gallery of Mapbox custom map styles
- Jonni's Mapbox<>Tableau work
- Troubleshooting documentation for optimizing your GL JS performance