Key benefits of building with Mapbox
- Flexible and scalable platform for detailed visualizations
- Precise location data with Mapbox Geocoding
- Enhanced situational awareness with 3D visualizations
products used
Mapbox GL JS
The Wildland Fire Map by the Western Fire Chiefs Association provides public access to the near real-time wildfire information across the United States, helping communities stay informed and safe.

The WFCA Fire Map pulls data from the US Forest Service via National Interagency Fire Center IRWIN feed, and 911 Dispatch data via PulsePoint to track the location of the wildfire as they start and while they’re burning. The WFCA Fire Map is the first map of its kind to pull such data from 911 Dispatch in relevant areas.
The map was built with help from the Gartrell Group, using Mapbox GL JS, Geocoding API and a custom map style created in Studio designed to make the fire map easy to use and optimized for low connectivity situations.