$1.8 million
in donated services and sponsorships
new projects and teams supported
raised by employee donation-matching
invested in emissions offset solutions
Supporting climate solutions in our partnerships and operations

Committed to net zero
We measure and offset our operational emissions each year with a portfolio of climate investments.

Growing forest carbon
Maps and data are improving transparency and accessibility of the carbon forestry industry.
Advancing geospatial analysis for social benefit
Explore 2021 community maps
Top impact launches of the year illustrate how we champion changemakers, support access, and advance action for positive change

Vaccines.gov Boston Children’s Hospital and the Federal Government launched Vaccines.gov to make it easier for every American to find a COVID-19 vaccine near them.
World Central Kitchen
When tornadoes struck the central US, and lava displaced the residents of La Palma, World Central Kitchen was on the ground providing emergency meals.

The Nature Conservancy
A new science-based marine mapping tool helps site offshore windfarms and other marine developments in the Atlantic.
Project Connect
UNICEF’s new storytelling map illustrates the positive impacts of Giga, the initiative to connect every school in the world to the internet.

Mapping for Rights
The Rainforest Foundation UK built the MappingForRights Congo Basin Community Atlas to defend the rights indigenous and forest-dwelling peoples.
Southern Poverty Law Center
The rebuilt Whose Heritage map reveals the SPLC’s extensive database of memorials to Confederate figures, and how they are being removed and renamed.

Ookla for Good
The Ookla for Good Global Network is making the internet better, faster, and more accessible by providing unprecedented global broadband performance data for better decision-making.
Ocean Cleanup
The Ocean Cleanup is on a mission to clean up ocean plastic. Working holistically, their goals are to remove existing floating plastic and to prevent it from entering the ocean in the first place.

Global Mangrove Alliance
The Global Mangrove Watch platform provides high-resolution data on how mangroves are changing, from soil conditions and hydrology, to inform conservation and management.
Interactive maps by nonprofit newsrooms continued to advance public interest journalism, from exposing how seawalls are erasing beaches in Hawaii to visualizing cancer-causing industrial air pollution across the U.S.

Mapbox can help you make and scale maps for positive impact.